Enter starting point: Pick a point
Enter Azimuth or quadrant or C for curve or Q to quit: (AZN AZS NW NE SE SW C Q) NE
Selection options are: North Azimuth, South Azimuth, North West, North East, South East, South West, Curve or Quit. (We decided to go NE)
Enter bearing in the following format: DD.MMSS 45.2315 (We entered the angle)
Enter distance: 50 (We entered the distance)
Enter Azimuth or quadrant or C for curve or Q to quit: (NW NE SE SW C Q) C
This time we are drawing a curve (Note: you cannot draw a curve without first drawing the tangent)
Curve to the Left or Right? (L or R): R
Enter radius: 50
Enter arc length: 32.56
Now lets curve the other direction.
Curve to the Left or Right? (L or R): L
Enter radius: 50
Enter arc length: 27.32
Continue drawing Curves and Lines or type "Q" to quit.
Enter Azimuth or quadrant or C for curve or Q to quit: (AZN AZS NW NE SE SW C Q) Q